Friday, October 30, 2009

Busy Day/Wonderful Day

Busy Busy Day. But, today has been a great day.
It started with Blake having his awards show at school. It was the same time as Kyra's Fall Festival, so me and Wesley had to split. He went to Blake's since I was working a booth at Kyra's.
Blake did great. He got A Honor Roll, and other awards. I am very proud of him. As he was getting awards, Kyra was having her Fall Festival. I love days like today. I found myself wondering, "what will I do when I have no more little kids and parties to go to"? Kyra's Festival was so much fun. Even for me. She was being shy and would not wear her minnie ears and kept her jacket on, but she had fun. Seeing her happy makes me so happy.

After that we had a lunch break and short nap at home and then it was time for Blake's Halloween party. It turned out great. The kids had a lot to eat and there were lots of giggles.
It was strange for Haley to have no party. But, thats called growing up I guess. She was not happy about it. HEHE.
After leaving school we brought pumpkins to carve. Can you believe. Wal-Mart was all out of pumpkins; well the big ones anyway.
Tonight was spent having family time. Haley did her own pumpkin and Blake had Wesley help him a bit.

Today has felt like a "normal" day. What used to be normal for us. But, it gives me hope that things will be normal again. Wesley had a good day. Thank you God. He was off and we all got to spend it together.
Now the countdown begins. A week and half and we will be in NY.
Tomorrow will be another busy but great day. We are going to a Fall Festival at church and then Trick-or-Treating tomorrow night. Lots of candy for mommy to eat ;)
HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone. Look for pictures of my cuties tomorrow night :)

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