Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lots of Thinking..

I have been keeping to myself and just quite here lately. Not even talking to my best friend. I just needed some time.

I have been feeling awful. Friday Fred will be gone and hopefully I will feel better.
But, it has been more then that. I have been doing a lot of crying out to God.
Wesley has had a rough week. Nothing that is not normal with Chiari, but just a rough week.
Kyra has been getting more headaches.
I remember the day that I realized our lives would never be the same. I struggle with what exactly I need to pray for and here lately I have been praying to God that he just give me peace about Chiari. Peace!!!
It is one thing for Wesley to have Chiari, but just to know that Kyra has this path ahead of her and is already having problems. I know God has a plan for us. And, I have just been praying hard that he give me peace. Because I know that all the praying in the world is not going to take Chiari away from Wesley or sweet Kyra.
The new doctor I am trying to get her into will not return my calls. UGH!! Like a good friend said I am getting on the phone tomorrow and are not going to stop until I talk to someone. I mean if the answer is no, fine, but please talk to me.

Well this post sounds down in the dumps, but just wanted everyone to know that we are ok. Do not know how many actually read this, but I know my grandmother does :)
Love You Grandma!!

1 comment:

Sandi said...

praying for peace and comfort for you!